====== applications/dashboard/locale/ru_RU/definitions.php ====== . Contact Vanilla Forums Inc. at support [at] vanillaforums [dot] com */ /** * English version of object possession. (ie. "Bob's thing" VS "Jess' thing"). * * @param string The word to format. */ if (!function_exists('FormatPossessive')) { function FormatPossessive($Word) { return $Word; } } if (!function_exists('Plural')) { function Plural($Number, $Singular, $Plural) { $cases = array (2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2); $case = ($Number%100>4 && $Number%100<20) ? 2 : $cases[min($Number%10, 5)]; if ($case == 0) { $text = $Singular; } elseif ($case == 1) { $text = ($Singular == $Plural) ? $Singular . " Plural" : $Plural; } else $text = $Plural . "_many"; return sprintf(T($text), $Number); } } $Definition['Locale'] = 'ru-RU'; // THESE ARE RELATED TO VALIDATION FUNCTIONS IN /garden/library/core/validation.functions.php $Definition['ValidateRegex'] = '%s does not appear to be in the correct format.'; $Definition['ValidateRequired'] = '%s is required.'; $Definition['ValidateRequiredArray'] = 'You must select at least one %s.'; $Definition['ValidateEmail'] = '%s does not appear to be valid.'; $Definition['ValidateDate'] = '%s is not a valid date.'; $Definition['ValidateInteger'] = '%s is not a valid integer.'; $Definition['ValidateBoolean'] = '%s is not a valid boolean.'; $Definition['ValidateDecimal'] = '%s is not a valid decimal.'; $Definition['ValidateTime'] = '%s is not a valid time.'; $Definition['ValidateTimestamp'] = '%s is not a valid timestamp.'; $Definition['ValidateLength'] = '%1$s is %2$s characters too long.'; $Definition['ValidateEnum'] = '%s is not valid.'; $Definition['ValidateOneOrMoreArrayItemRequired'] = 'You must select at least one %s.'; $Definition['ValidateConnection'] = 'The connection parameters you specified failed to open a connection to the database. The database reported the following error: %s'; $Definition['ValidateMinimumAge'] = 'You must be at least 16 years old to proceed.'; $Definition['ValidateMatch'] = 'The %s fields do not match.'; $Definition['ErrorPermission'] = 'Sorry, permission denied.'; $Definition['ErrorCredentials'] = 'Sorry, no account could be found related to the email and password you entered.'; $Definition['ErrorPluginVersionMatch'] = 'The enabled {0} plugin (version {1}) failed to meet the version requirements ({2}).'; $Definition['ErrorPluginDisableRequired'] = 'You cannot disable the {0} plugin because the {1} plugin requires it in order to function.'; $Definition['ErrorPluginEnableRequired'] = 'This plugin requires that the {0} plugin be enabled before it can be enabled itself.'; $Definition['ErrorTermsOfService'] = 'You must agree to the terms of service.'; $Definition['ErrorRecordNotFound'] = 'The requested record could not be found.'; $Definition['PageDetailsMessageFull'] = '%1$s to %2$s of %3$s'; $Definition['PageDetailsMessage'] = '%1$s to %2$s'; $Definition['RoleID'] = 'role'; $Definition['Garden.Registration.DefaultRoles'] = 'default role'; $Definition['Garden.Title'] = 'Application title'; $Definition['Garden.Email.SupportName'] = 'Support name'; $Definition['Garden.Email.SupportAddress'] = 'Support email'; $Definition['UrlCode'] = 'Url code'; $Definition['OldPassword'] = 'Old password'; $Definition['RoleID'] = 'role'; $Definition['EmailInvitation'] = 'Привет! %1$s has invited you to join %2$s. If you want to join, you can do so by clicking this link: %3$s Всего доброго!'; $Definition['EmailMembershipApproved'] = 'Привет %1$s, You have been approved for membership. Sign in now at the following link: %2$s Всего доброго!'; $Definition['EmailWelcome'] = 'Привет %1$s, %2$s has created an account for you at %3$s. Your login credentials are: Email: %6$s Password: %5$s Url: %4$s Всего доброго!'; $Definition['EmailPassword'] = 'Привет %1$s, %2$s has reset your password at %3$s. Your login credentials are now: Email: %6$s Password: %5$s Url: %4$s Всего доброго!'; $Definition['PasswordRequest'] = 'Привет %1$s, Someone has requested to reset your password at %2$s. To reset your password, follow this link: %3$s If you did not make this request, disregard this email.'; $Definition['EmailNotification'] = '%1$s Это здесь: %2$s Всего доброго!'; $Definition['EmailStoryNotification'] = '%1$s "%3$s" Это здесь: %2$s Всего доброго!'; $Definition['PluginHelp'] = "Plugins allow you to add functionality to your site.
Once a plugin has been added to your %s folder, you can enable or disable it here."; $Definition['ApplicationHelp'] = "Applications allow you to add large groups of functionality to your site.
Once an application has been added to your %s folder, you can enable or disable it here."; $Definition['ThemeHelp'] = "Themes allow you to change the look & feel of your site.
Once a theme has been added to your %s folder, you can enable it here."; $Definition['AddonProblems'] = "


If something goes wrong with an addon and you can't use your site, you can disable them manually by editing:

%s"; $Definition['Date.DefaultFormat'] = '%B %e, %Y'; $Definition['Date.DefaultDayFormat'] = '%B %e'; $Definition['Date.DefaultYearFormat'] = '%B %Y'; $Definition['Date.DefaultTimeFormat'] = '%l:%M%p'; $Definition['Who\'s Online'] = 'Сейчас на сайте'; // TODO: PROVIDE TRANSLATIONS FOR ALL CONFIGURATION SETTINGS THAT ARE EDITABLE ON ADMIN FORMS (ie. Vanilla.Comments.MaxLength, etc).